The revolutionary mud pump available in 1300, 1600, 2000, 2200 & 2450 HP up to 10,000 psi
With the highest flow rate and standard pressure rating available on the market today, while overcoming the many design flaws of traditional triplex pumps, the quadraplex “Quatro” mud pump has made a giant leap in oil drilling equipment technology.

Selected features:
- New "QuatroX" with a 1597 GPM flow rate
- New "Quatro L 1600" only 39,500 lbs
- Standard 7500 PSI rating
- Easy fluid module replacement in the field
- Only 82" wide and easily fits on standard width trailer
- Across the range" interchangeable mud pump parts
- Smoothest discharge of any mud pump available today; almost zero noise and vibration-free telemetry.
- Applications: on shore and offshore drilling